#4 Increasing Your Light Through Relatiolnships

Season #1

Go though your relationships and see who builds up your energy and who tares it down.

 When you are around some people you want to be around them all the time. They make you feel good, feel at peace, you want to be better.

When you are around those that you struggle with, they tear you down inside. They take everything from you. You are tired afterwords.You don’t have good thoughts.

Evaluate each of your relationships and see how you need to address each of them

 You are a compilation of the top 5 people you hang out with

Easy to say we don’t have to have these difficult relationships in your life, but we can’t always do this. Most of the relationships we struggle with are close family.

In these difficult relationships, something has to change and more then likely it is not going to be them. You are responsible for your own thoughts and your own actions. You need to learn to change not them.

I use the analogy of Christ walking with the sinners. Christ did not only walk with the righteous but he also walked along side of the sinners. He did not take upon the characteristics of the sinners but he was there to love, teach and show compassion. He knew there worth and he knew their potential. He knew they were a child of God. He had a deep understanding of the burdens they carried. Although he loved them dearly, he did not take on their characteristics.


So how do we do this?

-Detach yourself from the emotions you carry with this person

-No matter what they do does not affect you. Realize you are not in charge of how they act, say, do

-Create a story in your head about this person that shows love and compassion. This story can be real or completely made up. The main goal is to get to a place where you are having a feeling of love and compassion for this person and what they are experiencing.


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