He Is Mindful Of Our Needs

ask in prayer Sep 30, 2021

Saturday nights in the Watt's home are much different than most. Every Saturday night, I am up into the wee hours of the night, creating a primary video for all the kids in my ward to watch. It takes so much time, but I know Heavenly Father has asked me to use my gifts to bless these kids and others that oversee them. In the middle of the night, I could not upload the video to our ward Facebook page. So frustrating because this happens often! I am up so often during the night trying to fix this. This morning I had ward council, today was Brax's farewell, and I had to get Grandma ready all before church! I had no extra time not to have this upload! Last night I said a prayer and just said, "Heavenly Father, I know you want me to do this, and I need your help. Uploading this movie is taking up too much of my time every week! Please show me a different way!" Afterward, I had a thought I never thought of before to do. I tried it, and within 15 minutes, the Facebook site fully uploaded it! Heavenly Father will show us if we ask. He is mindful of each of our needs. When we serve others, Heavenly Father will help and show us the way. If he doesn't answer, then just keep asking. Thank you for teaching me this lesson.


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